Be Still

Hey girls! I’m Eve from the blog Eve of Womanhood, and I’m one of the new members of this blog. Please excuse any writing errors since I quickly had to proofread this post because my WiFi has been a bit unpredictable lately. 😛 Anyways, today I thought I’d talk about something I personally have been struggling with: making time for God.

“Be still, and know that I am God!”
in Psalm 46:10
Easier said than done –don’t you think? We live in a society where everything is ran at a fast pace. With school just starting out for me, learning how to drive, and running my own photography business, it has been really hard for me to step back from all the busyness in life and just hang out with God. Through the midst of the stress in my life right now, I can hear God directing this verse to me.
I feel like everything is moving too fast, that everything is all happening at once.
“Be still and know that I am God.” 
People ask me about my future and I honestly haven’t a clue what to tell them.
“Be still and know that I am God.” 
I’m scared of growing up and wonder if I’m good enough.
“Be still and know that I am God.” 
I think we all feel God in different ways. Perhaps you feel closest to him when your out in nature, reading the bible, listening to Christian music, etc. And though it has been difficult, I’ve been trying to stop rushing around and spend some time with Him. To talk to him, to thank him, to love him just as he loves me.Thanks for reading. Hope you all have an amazing weekend. ❤ ~Eve

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